I will make some Big Data Analysis of HR and Marketing Aspect

(7)  29 Pesanan dalam antrian
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Description You can an analysis report and visualization and also rare file You will get rare file, analysis, visualization, and detail table about every variable You can get all of standard featur tips of analytics, and plus journals access that support the next research
Revisions 1 2 5
Delivery Time 5 Days 5 Days 3 Days

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I will make an analysis about data science, business intelligence and data mining fields using Rapidminer

7 Ulasan 5.0

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Basic Rp5,000.00 5000

You can an analysis report and visualization and also rare file

5 Days Delivery     1 Revisions
 Tambah ke keranjang Pesan Sekarang (Rp5,000.00)

Standard Rp85,000.00 85000

You will get rare file, analysis, visualization, and detail table about every variable

5 Days Delivery     2 Revisions
 Tambah ke keranjang Pesan Sekarang (Rp85,000.00)

Advance Rp125,000.00 125000

You can get all of standard featur tips of analytics, and plus journals access that support the next research

3 Days Delivery     5 Revisions
 Tambah ke keranjang Pesan Sekarang (Rp125,000.00)

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